
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mind & Soul

Wondering which one dominates Mind or Soul!! Do you people agree? For any idea, decision, feeling, thought, pain etc will be dealt by two of our inner beings!!! Can you people guess what is that? All of us know what are they but some of our may not identify them or may not be able to name them. They are Mind and Soul. Mind works with brain and Soul with heart. It is not possible to mention which one is most important and which one is not. Wondering which one dominates it is Mind or Soul!! Difficult to answer. Situations only can decide the dominant among the two. People who give importance to Mind are labeled as Practical People wherein who give much importance to Soul are called as Emotional. Recent days most of them are turning more practical than emotional, is that a good sign? Practical people are achieving success shortly and firmly. Do you people think those who act very practical don’t they have emotions? Of course not they too have emotions but they don’t have a description for emotions within them. They are successful for outside world but within them they are the failures. They can never be satisfied for what they have achieved because they consider satisfaction also as something practical, which happens in life they fail to take the essence of satisfaction. People with lots of emotions can be satisfied for smaller achievements, since they feel the essence of success. Emotions are god’s gift to human to feel and enjoy!!! To be continued…